GAAR®Automated appraisal analysisAs mortgage experts struggle to manage risk and meet regulatory compliance, manual appraisal reviews have resulted in excess expense and a drain on company resources. Since 2005, Collateral DNA’s GAAR® (Generally Accepted Appraisal Rules™) has helped the nation’s top mortgage lenders manage risk and meet regulatory standards faster and more consistently than a manual appraisal review, saving both time and money while increasing accuracy and decreasing fraud. GAAR automates appraisal analysis with an innovative, rules-based engine, providing a first-level comprehensive review of each appraisal. While other industry tools may check for completeness, GAAR checks for both compliance and risk. Why use GAAR?
GAAR makes screening residential real estate appraisals for risk mitigation and regulatory compliance a breeze by balancing two competing pressures for underwriters: speed and thoroughness. The industry standard calls for a quick appraisal review, but as collateral value becomes more important, you also need a painstaking review. GAAR provides both, flagging potentially overvalued or fraudulent appraisals for thorough review, so you touch only the exceptions. |
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